Small cars have always had a large share of the automobile sales registered every year. Therefore, nowadays, almost every company is looking to launch a small Sedan that can suit the customers’ requirements. Moreover, in the recession hit environment, automobile companies are focusing on small cars that are available at reasonable prices and do not create much of a monetary burden on the customers. However, companies are not just content with making an economical small van rather; they are trying to infuse in it the qualities that you normally get in a medium sized or a luxurious Mitsubishi. Features like air bags, strong engine, excellent suspension, sun roofs- all are now available in small SUV’s.
In addition to the lesser prices, there are many other benefits of small vehicles. Some are summed as under:
Better mileage
A small car will always have a better mileage than medium sized automobiles, SUV’s and luxurious sedans. It can even give a mileage of 20 kilometers per liters of petrol, whereas, a large one won’t be even close to it. Hence, you will be able travel far at quite a reasonable cost.
Excellent maneuverability
A small sedan can be maneuvered quite easily. You don’t have to rethink twice before taking your vehicle in a crowded place, since it is easy to turn and can be parked in a smaller space. On the other hand big Limousine requires larger space for parking and is not easy to maneuver.
Easy Handling
The small One is easy to handle. These are more nimble, which make them lesser prone to accidents. Since the center of gravity is lower as compared to big one, the chances of them tolling over or filliping over are quite less. Moreover, since, these are small in size, these can be easily stopped. Whereas, a big van will take that fraction of a second more to stop, that can cause collision.
Less Maintenance
A small car requires lesser maintenance. Also, the parts of a small car are available at a lesser price, which make them cost effective as well. Moreover, in the big cars, most of the spare parts are expensive, which can make you spend more than you want.
Eco friendly
A small car is more eco friendly than a big car. It emits less pollution and consumes less fuel which makes it environmental friendly.
With all these factors the small cars definitely have an edge over big cars hence; the small car sales keep on increasing at a good rate.…
It is believed that majority of new car sales that take place are due to the well planned marketing strategy of the car manufacturers. However, in reality, it is the other way round. Around 80% of the sales take place due to the buyers’ references or the marketing skills of the salesmen. The advertisements don’t tell the complete story of a car. It is the salesman who does. Therefore, the role of a salesman in selling a car cannot be undermined.
The job of a car salesman is not easy at all. Selling a car worth thousands of dollars cannot be a cakewalk. So what should a salesman do to sell a car? Following are few of the tips a salesman could refer to:
Think as a businessman:
It is important to think as a businessman rather than a salesman. Doing this will definitely make you try harder towards making sales. Moreover, if you get a commission for every sale you make, this approach can really fetch you some serious money.
Know the car well
Make sure that you know the car you are selling well. Find the strong points that you can put across the clients. Apart from that, know the weaknesses of your car as well so that you can defend them well in front of your clients.
Listen more and talk less
Most of the salesmen commit this mistake. Out of sheer excitement or the aggressive approach towards making a sale, they just don’t allow the customers to speak. This will not take you anywhere. Try and listen to customers as much as possible. By listening to them, you will be able to comprehend their needs and strategize accordingly.
Don’t try to hide facts
IF your products have a disadvantage or a negative point, make sure you don’t hide it. Instead, try and defend it by giving sensible counter statements. Don’t be very aggressive in your defence. Mind you, its your product that has deficiency.
Stay calm and polite
It is very important to be calm and polite while talking to your customer. Some customers try to act smart by asking too many funny questions but you need to hold on to your nerves and answer the questions sensibly and in the politest manner you can.
Customer is always right
Remember the golden rule “customer is always right”. You can prove him wrong but you don’t need to and especially when he is interesting in buying your car. Even if they refuse to buy your car, greet them with full warmth and thank them for giving their time.
These are just few tips which can help you in selling your car. However, at the end of the day, its going to be your mannerisms and skills that will fetch you a sale.…
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