With the term auction cars I mean vehicles purchased at a public auction. There are lots of different kinds of auctions where cars can be purchased for example, government auctions, police auctions, private auctions, military surplus auctions, bank auctions of repossessed vehicles and more.
One of the best places you can get good deals on new and used cars, is a government auction. To be more precise, what we’re talking about is making good bargains on high quality vehicles, seized in a government raid or for one reason or another have come into the possession of the federal government.
Government Auctions of Seized Cars
Government auctions are different from bank auctions of repossessed vehicles. Government car auctions consist of vehicles they have seized and want to get rid of so that they won’t take up space in government parking facilities. If they can make some money on these vehicles, why shouldn’t they?
That’s the reason they’ll take whatever bid they can get. This is not the case with a bank. Therefore it’s likely that you would get a better deal at government auctions than at a bank auction.
Online Car Auctions
Car auctions are held all over the country where people go and place their bids. However, not everyone lives nearby an auction site. Nevertheless, anyone who has a computer and an internet connection can still bid on a government auction. You even got the option of mailing your sealed bid for a vehicle in to the auction.
Government Surplus Auctions
Another way to purchase cheap but quality auction cars would be at a government surplus auction. If you are looking for great car deals you can also participate in a government surplus auction, which is a little different from seized car auctions. The reason the government arranges these auctions is because of their need for renewal of their own vehicles. When the government’s vehicles become too old to function properly, they need to replace them while the old are sold at surplus auctions. At surplus car auctions you can also get used vehicles fairly cheap.
Military Surplus Auctions
Another variation of government surplus auctions is the military vehicle auctions. Not all military vehicles are auctioned though. They don’t offer combat vehicles, but you can buy jeeps and other low end vehicles for a few dollars.
The Right Place for Super Bargains
It should be obvious that the reason people get so many good deals at government auctions is that the government’s intention is not to act like a business and maximize their profit but rather get a few dollars for a vehicle that is no longer up to their standards and cannot be used anymore.
So, why not take advantage of this, visit an auto auction house or go online and find cheap but decent auction cars at a government auction.…
Auto Repair – When You Should Pay More and When You Shouldn’t
Rusty December 21, 2020 ArticleAuto repair, why does it cost so much? If you take your car to a reputable auto repair shop their services might not be the cheapest in town, but there are some valid reasons for this. The old adage “Would you go to the low bidder for brain surgery?” really does apply to auto repair shops as well. Cheap service today may just cost you more in the long run.
6 Reasons Why You Should Pay More
Here are six attributes that you will find at a reputable, high quality auto repair shop. This may mean that you might pay more for some services at a shop like this, but there is a good reason for it and it will be worth it.
1) They will employ only top notch, talented, certified technicians. These guys are highly sought after and command a decent wage. They spend a lot on their tools and training. They also spend time on continuing education to maintain their certifications and to stay abreast of the latest industry technology. If you haven’t noticed, cars are getting more complicated just like everything else. This industry is filled with lousy mechanics that will work for cheap, but the good shops don’t hire them.
2) They subscribe to the best technical information systems. This provides them access to all of the latest service bulletins and manufacturer’s specifications. This is the only way to stay current on all makes and models.
3) They only use top quality parts. The auto parts market has been flooded with cheap off-shore manufactured imitations. A good shop is very careful about what parts they install. Quality (when it is still available) costs more.
3) They will be fully insured, so you are protected.
4) They dispose of hazardous wastes in an environmentally sound manner.
5) You will notice that they keep a clean shop equipped with the latest tools and diagnostic equipment. If they don’t respect their shop, they won’t respect your vehicle.
6) They pay their taxes and they make a profit. That’s right, they have to make money to keep the doors open. That way they will be there the next time you need service, and the next, and the next.
The message in this is that good quality probably costs a little more, but if you want your vehicle maintained properly so that it lasts, it’s worth it.
Why You Shouldn’t Pay More
A lot of money is wasted on automobile service. Customer’s are “sold” service their car may not really need. Many facilities employ “salesmen” as their service writers. They are trained in salesmanship and are paid according to how much they can sell. This is unfortunate because it gives the entire industry a bad name. Ask the shop if the service writers are paid commissions.
Here’s a typical example. A customer takes his vehicle to the Cheapie, Super Fast Lube Shop for an oil change. The Super Fast Super Salesman informs the customer that he needs a transmission service, cooling system flush, fuel injection service etc. etc. and the customer doesn’t remember when these things were done last so he says go ahead. Turns out he wasn’t due for those services for another 20,000 miles! Wasted money!
Another example: a customer takes his vehicle to the tire shop for new tires. The service writer knows he is not going to see this car again for a long time. He figures he better sell the customer a brake job (or something else) now, and he does. The vehicle didn’t really need a brake job for another 10,000 miles! Wasted money!
How to Avoid Over Paying
The way to avoid all of this is to find an honest, reputable auto repair service facility that can provide all or nearly all of your needs, and STAY WITH THEM! This does three things:
First, all of your service records will be kept in one place so you won’t be “doubling up” on services at multiple shops. Remember the examples above.
Secondly, when you are going to the same place for service regularly, they know your car and your driving habits. A good shop that services your vehicle regularly knows how much life is left in your brakes. They would know that the way you drive, you can travel at least another 10,000 miles before the brakes will need to be replaced.
And third, by giving all your business to one shop, you become their “Bread and Butter”. Funny thing about honest mechanics, they protect their bread and butter customers. They will bend over backwards to keep them happy. They need them. They are always providing little extras for them at no cost. You know, like replacing light bulbs and fixing little things that most people would overlook.
Your vehicle is one of your …
With the rising cost of new cars in this crumbled economy most people are keeping their older cars. A warranty is offered on a new car, but considering the high payments, one’s choice is to get the old car fixed.
It is obvious that the older car will need more repairs and maintenance, but for most there isn’t much choice. So your car is losing oil at a quart or two a day and the smoke pours out of the tail-pipe. You are most likely having engine problems, so now you wonder if you should have your engine rebuilt or buy a new car.
You need to take your car to four qualified repair shops that specialize in engine rebuilding. Check them out first and make sure they are highly qualified with ASE Certified technicians.
Make sure they give you a complete break-down of what they need to do to rebuild the engine. Find out how long it will take for them to start the work and how long before you can take the car home.
You need everything in writing such as the price for each part, price for the labor and a guarantee in writing. Do not wait until the work is done on the car to get a written guarantee. Always request it when you are getting estimates. After you get your written estimates, check them out with the local BBB.
Talk to others that’s had car repair and find out who they used, were they happy with the service, were their prices reasonably and how long was their car in the shop. Word of mouth is always the best way to find a good auto repair shop.
After you’ve done your research on your old car, it’s now time to check into new cars. Go to 3 different car lots. You need to decide on a good used car or a new car. Sometime buying a new car offers better interest rates and a better warranty, but you need to consider the total price of the vehicle.
You need good credit to get a low-interest rate with no down. Keep in mind when you trade in a car, they jack up the price of the car you are interested in buying. Compare the payments each month with a down payment versus getting your engine rebuilt in the older car.
If the old car is in great shape except for the engine, then the wisest choice is to keep it and have the engine rebuilt. There are good engine repair mechanics that can work out a payment schedule with a sufficient down payment. You now have enough information to make an informed choice to have your engine rebuilt or buy a new car.…
What exactly are you looking for in a car? You’ve thought about all of that and have gone to get your test drive. Well congratulations! But then always remember that even when you think that you have figured it all out, you might not have actually. You might just be looking at a car situation from the point of view that is basically manufactured by the car company itself. Your dream car might just be a test drive away, but are you really well prepared to know exactly what you expect from the test drive? Read on.
Check whether the car is well made and if there is any empty space between the fender and the hood. Check whether the wiring under the hood is done properly and bundled as would want it to be. Also, is the paint fine? Are the metal edges smooth rough?
While You are Taking a Seat in the Car
Is it easy enough to enter and exit the car? Is the back seat equipped with enough leg space? If you need a child car seat, check if there is space enough to insert one? Is the driver’s seat comfortable enough for your legs to move and press on the breaks, etc.? is it in fact comfortable enough for a long drive? While you are sitting in the car you should run all these checks.
While Driving, Can You See Everything Well?
Is the top of the steering wheel rim higher than your shoulder? Check the wipers, the wiping fluid and see which part of the windshield the wiper does not take care of as you will need to know that for safe driving. The passenger side mirror also should be checked for bind spots. All this is part of the vision test.
Checking the Suspension
Comfort is really important and you should have as much of that as you can while you are driving. Is the rid too soft? Or even too hard? Does it jar your spine too much? If you are buying a sporty car you should be looking for a firmer ride. A few sharp turns of the wheel, u-turns- you should check the suspension reacting to all of this. It is extremely crucial to check if a u-turn can be made in a single smooth motion. How does the car perform on bumps?
Checking Steering
A small turn with the steering wheel should be executed by the wheels quickly enough. You should check how much effort you have to put into the steering. Too less or too much is both bad in this case. Check if the car moves in a steady course when you are relaxing the wheel on a steady course.
Choose you features carefully as with the set of wheels or the set of features that could give you a better deal with the car. You will know these after the test drive. Fuel economy is a must check. Carry out an evaluation based on all of this.…
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